I was so honored to join my friends Sherrard Georgious, Marcy Gregg, Paul Hastings, Adrian Redmond Chu and Christina Dowdy to paint with the patients at the Levine Children's Hospital. The children were such an inspiration to us all. Despite so many challenges they were bright and cheery and eager to paint with us. I was very humbled by how much we all have to be grateful for.
My buddy Caden and I created a gorgeous still life. He directed me on color and did a fantastic job. Anthony and Chad from Binders Art Supplies were there with donated art supplies and lent a big hand in helping all of us. WBTV's Molly Grantham also joined us.
The patient-inspired paintings will be featured at the Levine Children's Hospital Annual Gala at Quail Hollow on April 2nd.
Caden's Free Spirit
Photography: Daniel Coston
Photography: Daniel Coston