Jumping Back in with a Fresh Start

Happy New Year to all! 

I hope everyone had a fantastic Holiday Season.  I know it can be hard to get back to work no matter what your work may be!  I am going to offer up some of my top tips for getting back to the easel or whatever it is you do that inspires you.   

1.      Clean and Clear: 

Whether it is your office, your workspace or studio, it is important to have a space you are excited to walk into every day.  I know when I am working up to a break, like the Holidays, I usually end with a very big mess and I don’t always clean up before the break.  Even if you do leave your space nice and tidy, a little clean and clear may still be in order.  I went to work on my studio, my sitting area and my office.  I wanted to make sure that everything in my space was needed and in working order.   Get rid of anything that you do not need or is not serving you.  Is there an old canvas that just makes you feel bad?  Get rid of it.  We are working towards only Good Vibes in our workspace. Hopefully, a good clean and clear will infuse a ton of positive energy into your studio and get you excited to get back to the easel (or work). 

2.     Purge Old Work: 


Go through all the works in progress in your studio and get rid of anything that may be dampening your spirits!   I went through every painting in my studio and tried to be brutally honest with myself does it stay or go.  Each piece that stayed had to have a convincing purpose.  I used charcoal to write on the side of each canvas the intention for it.   Some of the categories were:  love it - finish, toned, finishing touches, commission, underpainting and blank.  Now I can look at the edges in my drying rack and know what I intend to do.  I also made a note if a specific piece was suited for specific gallery or show.  Now my mood feels so much lighter having disposed of all that was not serving me!!!!  This exercise hopefully will also uncover some paintings that you are excited to get back to! 

3.     Spruce it Up: 


Take a look around and note if there is anything you need or want in your workspace?  Would a new plant be nice or a new rug?  Do you need new lighting in your studio?  I made a list during my cleaning and clearing frenzy and headed out to do a little shopping.  It might only be a plant that would brighten things up!  I have a huge window that looks out over my backyard and is really spectacular.  The space in front of it has been cluttered with paintings drying and unfinished paintings.  I cleared this out and added a new chair, rug and repurposed a bulletin board.  Now this area is an inviting place to sit to contemplate a painting in progress or just have some tea.  I also intend to use this space to reflect on my work and what is to come.  The bulletin board is a great place for ongoing inspiration.  A little spruce up will certainly light a little more creative energy under your toes and get you back to work! 

4.     Take Stock of your Supplies:

Whatever your creative work may be, I find it very exciting to organize my art supplies.  I love tubes of paint!  Just sorting through my paints and organizing them can get me in the mood to get back to the easel.  It is also a great exercise to see what you are out of and might need to order.  Make note of those abandoned paints that you excitedly bought and never used!  I pulled a few out and put them on my work station to use first thing!  I will be revisiting Old Holland Blue, Old Holland Blue Grey and Vasari Video Blue Extra Pale.  So much fun!   At the very least I am excited try these colors out. 

5.     Retail Therapy:


A little retail therapy can certainly cure the blues.  Go shopping online or to your local art supply store.  Take a leisurely browse!  Are there colors, tools or types of surfaces you have always wanted to try?  Go for it!  This can be a great way to Jump Start your reentry to the studio.  During my break I ordered some collage materials for a project I have been thinking of for a while.  I am super excited to give it a whirl. 

6.     Think Ahead: 


When wrapping up before a break from the studio try to play it forward and leave yourself with something you are excited to get back to.  This takes some planning but really makes getting back to work super easy.  I briefly started a series during the Holidays that I really had no business starting because of other painting deadlines.  But I am soooo happy I did!  I am psyched to continue on this new series!  

7.     Inspiration: 


Get inspired!  Collect images of artists that inspire you, color palettes you want to try, interesting compositions, new techniques to play with, take a workshop or just buy fresh props for still life set-ups.  I often go to the florist and buy a bucket of flowers.  Arranging the flowers and photographing for future paintings does a great job of getting the juices flowing.  I also signed up for a workshop in late January to make sure my creativity is in full bloom for the New Year! 

8.     Make a play list and Breath:


If all else fails in the New Year to get you back at the easel make a play list of your favorite songs and breath!  Music has a magical way of switching my brain from the left side to the right.  There are lots of activities that can do this like mixing paint, drawing and doodling.  Get your sketch book out, light some yummy candles, breath, play your favorite music and just doodle.  I can honestly say that I tried all of these tips over the past week and I am so excited to get back to work!!! 

Here’s to wishing everyone a Healthy, Creative, Abundant and Happy 2020! 

Lots of Love,


My Color Story

Come Learn With Me

October is such a beautiful time of the year in Charlotte, which makes me excited to be hosting my next workshop October 25-27, 2017.  Class is filling up fast though and we only have a few spots left.  We would love to have you join us, to get more information and to register, click here.

In February I am looking forward to heading south and visiting one of my favorite cities!  I will be traveling down to Atlanta for my first workshop of 2018 at Binders Art Supplies in Buckhead.  My Atlanta workshop is running February 7-9, 2018 and space is limited, to get more information and to register click here.  

Can't wait to see everyone!

New Collection Available Online

I just finished up a new collection of small figures and florals and happy to say, we have added them to the online shop.  They are all on 2" gallery wrapped canvases and are wired to be hung!  I can be shipped anywhere in the US or if you live in Charlotte, they are available to be picked up from my studio.   For studio pick up, enter promo code "queencity" and we will contact you to make arrangements.  Enjoy!

"Hotlanta" is Hopping

This has been such a fun spring and summer here in the studio!  I am beyond excited to share a quick peek at the collection that recently arrived in Atlanta at Huff Harrington!  Even more excited to to say there are a few more paintings being loaded up on the van and heading down next week!  Thank you Huff Harrington for your constant support!  If you are in Atlanta, please stop by the gallery and say hi to the ladies and see the new collection.  


Here I Come Raleigh...

Thursday May 18th from 6-8pm, you will be able to find me at ArtSource Fine Art located at 4421-123 Six Forks Road Raleigh NC!  ArtSource will be hosting a show called "A Moment In Time" that will run from May 18 - June 16 and it will feature Sharon Bass and myself.  Everyone at ArtSource have been such wonderful supporters of my work and I am excited to be spending an evening in Raleigh!  Please come visit if you are in the area!  

Spring In Beaufort

I have to say, I just got back from such a lovely trip to Beaufort NC and Craving Art Studio!  My fantastic host Heather Sink was just as much of a pleasure to be with this year as she was last year!  She is currently hosting a show of my works until the end of May and was so kind to host my three day "Exploring The Surface " workshop.   I love doing workshops in Beaufort so much, we have agreed to do another one next year, once we have dates, we will update everyone! Beaufort is such a beautiful town, full of great people, food and amazing views! For those who don't know, it's actually the third-oldest town in North Carolina, it's a coastal town located in an area referred to as the "inner-banks" and it hosts several fun festivals through out the year.  I just lucked out to be there for the 2017 Beaufort Wine and Food Festival this year!  

Press: American Art Collector, April 2016

Thank you, American Art Collector magazine, for this lovely Artist Focus article, "Dancing with Paint", in your April 2016 issue!  Read the article here, or click the images below.