Hey Friends,
Happy first day of fall!!! It's been a busy summer full of travel and send offs and it's all been wonderful!
I have a few Workshop related bits of news I wanted to share with you all:
1) The Workshop I am most excited about, Going Beyond: 3 Day Workshop: Loosening Up and Creating Harmony February 25 - 27, 2020, right here in Charlotte. I am offering an Early Bird Special, if you register before 11/30, I am taking $55 off your deposit. To learn more click here.
2) Just finished my Color Boot Camp Workshop last week and truly loved getting to "nerd out" about color for three days! Working on a Part Two for November or January. If you're interested, please email me and let me know.
3) I'm really looking forward to heading out to Beaufort NC in three weeks to teach at one of my favorite studios Craving Art Studio, we have two spots left for October 7 - 11, come join me.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the curriculum for each workshop, I can be reached at: angelanesbit@mac.com.
I look forward to seeing you all soon!
All best,